Report: Eurasian Water-Milfoil
The following report was conducted on Half Moon Lake in late 2021.
Found - Slide
A slide washed up to shore on the south end of the lake. The slide is on the end of Scott Lessard's dock if the owner would like to pick it up.
July 19th 2019 Storm cleanup
Monday Aug 11th , Milltown Township entered into contract with Nick’s Trucking to clean up the Milltown streets R/W. Work will likely begin immediately after Labor Day. Township Public work employees have already begun moving some of the too large logs [for the chipper] from Breezy bay Rd.
The Township has applied for FEMA funds, but there are “rules”. These funds apply to public property, not private. Most folks have moved their debris to the R/W, so should be collected with no problem. There are several ‘private’ streets, two that I know of (SE end of 124 th St., and NW end of Oscar Ln.) are not eligible for FEMA cleanup. Nick’s Trucking will clean up separately, not part of this contract , please contact him to make arrangements.
The Township needs to provide some sort of matching funds, which can consist of volunteer labor. Again most of us have spent a lot of time cleaning up, just to be able to access our properties. This time is valuable in terms of volunteer labor. At this time I do not know how to count, document, or report this to the Township. I will find out and add it to this sheet later.
John N Weber,
Chair, HML Board
Lake Meeting - RESCHEDULED to August 31st
Because of extensive damage and required clean-up for everyone, rescheduing has been delayed. Legally, re-posting and re-notification is required. Saturday, August 31, 2019 seems to be the best time for most folks to have an opportunity to attend. It seems likely that most will have other obligations that weekend as well, therefore, the usual family picnic will not be planned. We do, however, plan to provide ice cream and soft drinks and water.
Please bring a lawn chair, as tent and chairs will not be available.
Hope that most can attend!
WHO: All Half Moon Lake Residents
WHAT: Rescheduled Annual HML Protection & Rehabilitation District Meeting
WHEN: Saturday, August 31st, 2019 - 10am-Noon
WHERE: HML Beach Pavillion
See all information and any updates on the Events page
July 19th Storm
The storm on July 19th brought lots of damage to cabins and property around the lake.
If you have any other photos or news to share, please send it to I’ll post it here.
Ice out! April 23rd
Ice went out on Half Moon Lake on mid-day on April 23rd. Reported by Joe Lonsky and verified by others on the lake.
2018 Ice Out - May 4th
Ice is officially out on Half Moon on Friday May 4th (May the fourth be with you.) .
Docks at the Half Moon beach and landing will be going in today.
Photo taken by Rick Miller from the south end, looking north. Night before Ice Out, May 3rd.
Loons Arrived
Loons have arrived at the lake today, May 2, 2018. A pair of loons on north end of the lake and a single loon on the south end.
Pat Mechelke