
Kids R First Fishing Contest

Annual Kids "R" 1st Fishing Contest on Half Moon Lake. Bring a child and have lots of fun!! Categories are Northern, Sunfish, Crappie, Bass, Rock Bass, and Perch. Prizes given for the largest fish in each category. Many other prizes. Held on the Free Fishing weekend in Wisconsin, no license required.

  • Ages 15 and younger

  • $8 per Team - one adult/one child, additional kids $4

  • Free lunch included

  • Bring your own fishing gear

  • 9am registration - contest from 10am - 2pm

Sponsored by Unity Area Lions Club

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Independence Day Events for HML - 2025



LOON LADIES SALE - 9am-Noon - Public Beach

T-SHIRT DYE - 10am - Public Beach - Each person participating needs to bring 1 white t-shirt (or other cotton white clothing item - NO towels). Dye will be provided. Loon Ladies will be selling children’s t-shirts to use at this event.

BOAT PARADE - 2pm - Decorated boat parade around lake. Gather in Breezy Bay at south end to begin.

FIREWORKS - 10pm - Public Beach - watch from the beach or your boat.

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Annual Lake Meeting & Lunch - HML Protection and Rehabilitation District

Annual Meeting for the Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District. Agenda and proposed budget will be mailed and posted on website at a later date before the meeting.

Location - Half Moon Lake Beach on the north side of the lake

10am - Noon - Meeting

Noon - It’s back! - FREE bag Lunch will be provided for lake families. Yoder’s ice cream will also be served.

Meeting Agenda

Proposed Budget 2024-2025

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Annual Lake Meeting & Lunch - HML Protection and Rehabilitation District

Annual Meeting for the Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District. Agenda and proposed budget will be mailed and posted on website at a later date before the meeting.

Location - Half Moon Lake Beach on the north side of the lake

10am - Noon - Meeting

Noon - It’s back! - FREE bag Lunch will be provided for lake families. Yoder’s ice cream will also be served.

Meeting Agenda

Proposed Budget 2024-2025

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Project Riverine Early Detectors (RED) Training

Looking for a fun opportunity to get out on the St. Croix River and learn to identify and monitor for aquatic invasive species? Join us for a Project RED training on Friday, July 19th from 10 AM – 4 PM.

Project RED (Riverine Early Detectors) is a FREE monitoring program in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Extension and WDNR designed to train and empower citizens to identify and report invasive species within river corridors statewide.

The Wild Rivers Conservancy, Polk County LWRD, and National Park Service will teach you how to:

  • Monitor your river by canoe, kayak, or on foot for species of concern. The protocols are easy and fun!

  • Choose locations and a monitoring schedule that are convenient to you.

  • Utilize online data management tools to report your findings.

Training Schedule

  • 10:00 AM-12:00 PM: Indoor Training & Overview (SCF Library Community Room, 230 South Washington Street, Saint Croix Falls, WI 54024)

  • 1:00 PM-4:00 PM: Training on the River (group paddle, MN Interstate to Franconia Landing)

Register Online

Katelin Anderson
Water Resources Analyst
Polk County Land and Water Resources Department
100 Polk County Plaza-Ste 120
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Phone 715-485-8637

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Independence Day Events for HML - 2024



LOON LADIES SALE - 9am-Noon - Public Beach

T-SHIRT DYE - 10am - Public Beach - Each person participating needs to bring 1 white t-shirt (or other cotton white clothing item - NO towels). Dye will be provided. Loon Ladies will be selling children’s t-shirts to use at this event.

BOAT PARADE - 2pm - Decorated boat parade around lake. Gather in Breezy Bay at south end to begin.

FIREWORKS - 10pm - Public Beach - watch from the beach or your boat. (If needed, rain delay date of July 7th)

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Kids R First Fishing Contest

30th Annual!

Annual Kids "R" 1st Fishing Contest on Half Moon Lake. Bring a child and have lots of fun!! Categories are Northern, Sunfish, Crappie, Bass, Rock Bass, and Perch. Prizes given for the largest fish in each category. Many other prizes. Held on the Free Fishing weekend in Wisconsin, no license required.

  • First 100 kids get a free t-shrit

  • Ages 15 and younger

  • $8 per Team - one adult/one child, additional kids $4

  • Free lunch included

  • Bring your own fishing gear

  • 9am registration - contest from 10am - 2pm

Sponsored by Unity Area Lions Club

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HML District Meeting

Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024, 12PM

ZOOM Meeting
Below is the zoom link and meeting passcode for our HMLPRD Board meeting on Tuesday, May 7th at 12pm. HNkdpaVd4QT09&omn=81364479303

Passcode: hdb2Ev

Official Notice and Agenda

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Lake Meeting - HML District

Annual Meeting for the Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District

Location - Half Moon Lake Beach on the north side of the lake

10am - Noon - Meeting

NOTE: NO lunch after the meeting. Due to budget constraints, there will not be a lunch provided after the meeting.

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Independence Day Activities for Half Moon Lake


JULY 1st - Saturday

T-SHIRT DYE - 10am - Public Beach - Each person participating needs to bring 1 white t-shirt (or other cotton white clothing item - NO towels). Dye will be provided. Loon Ladies will be selling children’s t-shirts to use at this event.

BOAT PARADE - 2pm - Decorated boat parade around lake. Gather in Breezy Bay at south end to begin.

FIREWORKS - 10pm/Dusk - Public Beach - watch from the beach or your boat. (Sunday July 2nd backup rain day)

TBD - Not Scheduled Yet


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Training Opportunity - Aquatic Invasive Species Citizen Lake Monitoring

An in-person Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) Training on Friday, June 16th from 2-4 PM. This training will be very hands on, we will plan to meet at the Half Moon Lake Boat Landing pavilion. Rain location will be provided if necessary.

This training is a great opportunity to refresh your aquatic invasive species identification skills or get started in learning about aquatic invasive species. To aid in identification we will have live native and invasive plants, as well as preserved specimens of species such as zebra mussels and spiny water fleas. We will also cover a new protocol for monitoring for zebra mussels. The outdoor training location will provide an opportunity for hands on experience conducting the aquatic invasive species monitoring protocol.

By attending this training, individuals monitoring on waterbodies that don’t currently have an active AIS CLMN program can receive a free monitoring kit.

Please use this link to RSVP for this training by June 11th, 2023:

Citizen Lake Monitoring: AIS

The goals of the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network are to collect high-quality data, educate and empower volunteers, and share information. The program provides volunteers with necessary equipment and training to conduct AIS monitoring activities on their waterbody. Most volunteers complete the monitoring protocols a few times per year at high-risk sites around their lakes to detect early populations of AIS.

Contact Information

Katelin Anderson
Information and Education Coordinator
Water Quality Specialist
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator
Polk County Land and Water Resources Department
Phone 715-485-8637

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Kids “R” First Fishing Contest

Annual Kids "R" 1st Fishing Contest on Half Moon Lake. Bring a child and have lots of fun!! Categories are Northern, Sunfish, Crappie, Bass, Rock Bass, and Perch. Prizes given for the largest fish in each category. Many other prizes. Held on the Free Fishing weekend in Wisconsin, no license required.

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Lake Meeting - HML District

Annual Meeting for the Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District

Location - Half Moon Lake Beach on the north side of the lake

10am - Meeting
Noon - Free family lunch (after the meeting)

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Loon Ladies Sale

Loon Ladies sale of all their merchandise at the Half Moon Lake Beach/Landing.

They will also have some White Youth Half Moon Lake shirts for sale that can be used for the Tie Dye event on during the same time.

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to Jul 4

Independence Day Activities


July 3rd - Sunday

T-SHIRT DYE - 10am - Public Beach - Each person participating needs to bring 1 white t-shirt (or other cotton white clothing item). Dye will be provided.

July 4th - Monday

FIREWORKS - 10pm/Dusk - Public Beach - watch from the beach or your boat.

BOAT PARADE - 2pm - Decorated boat parade around lake. Gather in Breezy Bay at south end to begin.



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Kids “R” First Fishing Contest

Annual Kids "R" 1st Fishing Contest on Half Moon Lake. Bring a child and have lots of fun!! Categories are Northern, Sunfish, Crappie, Bass, Rock Bass, and Perch. Prizes given for the largest fish in each category. Many other prizes. Held on the Free Fishing weekend in Wisconsin, no license required.

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Loon Ladies Sale

Loon Ladies sale of all their merchandise at the Half Moon Lake Beach/Landing.

They will also have some White Youth Half Moon Lake shirts for sale that can be used for the Tie Dye event on July 3rd.

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Lake Meeting - HML District

Annual Meeting for the Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District

Location - Half Moon Lake Beach on the north side of the lake

10am - Meeting
Noon - Free family lunch (after the meeting)

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to Jul 4

Independence Day Activities


Saturday July 3rd

T-SHIRT DYE - 10am - Public Beach - Each person participating needs to bring 1 white t-shirt (or other white clothing item). Dye will be provided.

LOON LADIES SALE - 9am-Noon - Public Beach

Sunday July 4th.

BOAT PARADE - 2pm - Decorated boat parade around lake. Gather in Breezy Bay at south end to begin.

FIREWORKS - Dusk - at public beach - watch from the beach or your boat. (Note - Bone Lake fireworks are scheduled the night of July 3rd)

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Kids “R” First Fishing Contest

Annual Kids "R" 1st Fishing Contest on Half Moon Lake. Bring a child and have lots of fun!! Categories are Northern, Sunfish, Crappie, Bass, Rock Bass, and Perch. Prizes given for the largest fish in each category. Many other prizes. Held on the Free Fishing weekend in Wisconsin, no license required.

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Learn to Water Ski Day - CANCELED

7/13 UPADTE - Event is CANCELED for 2020 due to COVID safety concerns. The event will hopefully return 2021.

Learn to Water Ski Day

...or Barefoot...or Wakeboard...or Kneeboard...or Show Ski Pyramids ...or anything else on Water

What: Want to learn how to Water Ski or anything else you can do on water, come on down and we will help get you going. If you or your kids would like to learn a water sport, we would like to teach you! Equipment, Boats and Instruction provided.
Where: South end of lake, in front of Dan Hale’s old house
Contact with questions: Warren Smallidge -

In honor of Warren Smallidge, Sr. "Mr. Water Ski" on Half Moon Lake for many years.

More Information

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Lake District Meeting & Picnic

Annual Meeting for the Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District

Location - Half Moon Lake Beach on the north side of the lake

9am - Noon - Loon Ladies Sale - Loon Ladies will be set up selling Half Moon Lake merch. Sales will pause during the meeting, so come early or visit after the meeting.

10am - Noon - District Meeting

Details and Schedule of the Meeting

2021 Annual Budget Recommendation

2019-20 HML Finance Report

2019 HML Annual Meeting - Meeting Minutes (2019-08-31)

2020 HML Audit Sign Page

Noon - Picnic - Free bag lunch for you and your families. Yoder’s ice cream and Walker’s A&W root beer will also be served. Please let us know how many your family would like so we order the correct number. Please RSVP by 7/14 to:

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