Joe Lonsky Joe Lonsky

Ice-on at Half Moon Lake

Official ice-on the lake is:  December 10th

Report by Jim Smith:

Lake was still partially open Dec. 9th & finally froze over completely Sunday Dec. 10th.  This was a strange fall - we had ice on & off the lake at least 4 or 5 times.

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Joe Lonsky Joe Lonsky

Polk Burnett Coop Elections

I just got an e-mail to vote on-line for our Polk Burnett Coop Board of
Directors representative.

If you are upset about paying $38 / month for a base charge when NW
Electric charges $8 / month for exactly the same service, please write
in Les Novak on the on-line ballot.

Unfortunately, the Polk Burnett bylaws prohibit members from running for
the board who are not full time residents in WI, so the 40% of the
membership who are seasonal cabin owners have no representation on the
board. This is the root cause of why the rate structure is so heavily
biased against cabin owners.

Please vote and make your displeasure known!

Mike Schumann
651-208-3791 (cell)

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Joe Lonsky Joe Lonsky

Launch Damage due to Ice Out

The good news is the ice is out-the bad news is that it damaged the landing at the beach. Our maintenance guys have tried to repair the landing as much as possible but I've received a few calls from people who have launched boats that have shared that it is very difficult to use the landing. Part of the issue is that the Township needs to work with the DNR for any work done past the high water mark. I have contacted the DNR and we have began that process but it looks like this spring will be a difficult one for launching boats. Anyone using the launch assumes any risks associated with that use so please use caution when launching. We will continue temporary repairs until we can implement a plan for the launch. Thank you for your patience!

Harlen Hegdal - Milltown Town Chair

UPDATE 5/29/17

As you may have noticed, the landing has been temporarily fixed.  A long term solution is yet to be determined.  

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Joe Lonsky Joe Lonsky

New Website!

Welcome to the new Half Moon Lake website.   If you have ideas, pictures, or things you'd like to add to the website, please email Joe Lonsky at  

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