Voluntary Contributions to The Half Moon Lake District are Tax Deductible

A question was asked at our annual meeting last July whether there was a way to make contributions to the District outside our normal tax levy. The answer is ‘Yes’!

As a special purpose government entity, charitable contributions to the District are deductible under IRS code 170(c)(1) if made for a public purpose. Funds contributed will be used for our stated purpose of maintaining, protecting, and improving the quality of our lake and its watershed. We have been sent a government information letter from the IRS.  This letter describes government entity exemption from Federal income tax and cites applicable Internal Revenue Code sections pertaining to deductible contributions and income exclusion.

If you would like to include the District in your giving plans, your gift would be most welcome. Please send your gift to:

Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
PO Box 118
Balsam Lake, WI 54810

Or contribute online on the Donation page.

We will send you a gift acknowledgement letter. In addition, we will send a copy of the government information letter if so requested.

Any questions please call or email Mike McMahon (mmcma10134@aol.com, 515-371-2243).


NOTICE: Draft Half Moon Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan Posted