Effort to Raise Funds for "Your Speed" Electronic Signs on County Road G

From Justin Grimm - 1278 County Rd G

Half Moon Lake Neighbors, we need your help installing two new “Your Speed” Radar Controlled signs on County Rd G.

Our Mission

  • Encourage drivers to slow down to the speed limit when they enter the 35mph zone when coming up to the lake

  • Increase safety to homeowners along County G

  • Increase safety for walkers, runners, and bikers that use this stretch of road

  • Reduce noise pollution from vehicles that gets blasted out onto the lake

  • Decrease vehicle accidents on this curvy section of road

We would like to install two “Your Speed” signs on County Rd G where the 55mph goes down to 35mph, one on each side of the lake. Polk County Highway Commissioner has approved our request to place the signs and the Half Moon Lake District supports our project.


TrafficLogix signs have been chosen because they are frequently used by the surrounding counties. You can see more info here: https://trafficlogix.com/

The actual sign selected is the 15” solar sign with battery. Price is $6,190.74 shipped for two signs.


Polk County is willing to pay for the installation which is great! The homeowners will need to pay for the actual cost of the signs. Due to the GoFundMe fees taken out of each transaction (2.94% + .30/transaction), our goal is $6400.

If we can get 50 donations at ~$130/each, we would reach our goal. Of course, larger donations would be wonderful!

The lake will be a more peaceful and safe place once these signs are installed.

Thank you to everyone and please share this GoFundMe with all of your HML neighbors!

Link to Go Fund Me



New Lake Association Proposed and Looking for Volunteers.


Landing Pictures - November 6th