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Lake Meeting - Rescheduled

Because of extensive damage and required clean-up for everyone, rescheduing has been delayed. Legally, re-posting and re-notification is required. Saturday, August 31, 2019 seems to be the best time for most folks to have an opportunity to attend. It seems likely that most will have other obligations that weekend as well, therefore, the usual family picnic will not be planned. We do, however, plan to provide ice cream and soft drinks and water.

Please bring a lawn chair, as tent and chairs will not be available.

Hope that most can attend!

WHO: All Half Moon Lake Residents

WHAT: Rescheduled Annual HML Protection & Rehabilitation District Meeting

WHEN: Saturday, August 31st, 2019 - 10am-Noon

WHERE: HML Beach Pavillion

August 11

Half Moon Lake Loon Ladies Sale

March 31

Learn to Waterski Day