Contributions to the Half Moon Lake District

By Mike McMahon

Half Moon District accepts contributions to help fund our mission, and also to help fund our fourth of July activities, especially the fireworks show.

In the past, the fireworks show has been funded by advertising dollars from our two Loon Lines newsletters each year. The fireworks show costs approximately $6,000 each year.

In 2024, we did not have a Spring/Summer Loon Lines, leaving the fireworks fund short $2000. The board borrowed the needed money from the funds we use to operate the district and fight invasive species to make up the difference.

The previous Loon Lines newsletter editor, Dave Balestri, has retired after many years of service. Thank you, Dave! Joe Lonsky has taken over as editor, and in a short time was able to put together a digital version of the Loon Lines for the Fall of 2024. He was able to raise some funding for advertising, but not enough to cover the shortfall. To fund a 2025 show, we will need contributions from members totaling approximately $7,000 to fund the show and repay our operating fund.

There are two ways to contribute. Online on this website or by check in the mail. To contribute online, use the tool below, or to to the “Donation” tab in the menu. Be sure to select “Fireworks” or “District Contribution” so your funds go to the desired area.

Contributions by mail can be sent to our PO Box noted below. Please note 'fireworks' in the memo line of your check. As the fireworks show is outside our mission, contributions towards the fireworks show are not tax deductible. Long term, we plan for the fireworks show and newsletter to be part of the tasks that will be handled by an Association.

As a special purpose government entity, contributions to the District to help fund our mission (maintaining, protecting, and improving the quality of our lake and its watershed) are deductible under IRS code 170(c)(1). We have been sent a government information letter from the IRS. This letter describes government entity exemption from Federal Income Tax and cites applicable Internal Revenue Code sections pertaining to deductible contributions and income exclusion. If you would like to include the District in your giving plans to support our mission, your gift would be most welcome. Fighting invasive species requires a lot of funds! We will send you a gift acknowledgement letter describing the tax status of your contribution. In addition, we will send a copy of the government information letter if so requested.

Please send your gifts toward our mission or fireworks to:

Half Moon Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
PO Box 118
Balsam Lake, WI 54810

Any questions please call or email Mike McMahon ( / 515-371-2243 ).

Contribute to

Voluntary contributions to the Lake District are tax deductible under IRS code 170(c)(1). You will be mailed a contribution letter.